A talk at the workshio on "Microsimulation of chronic disease: current
methods & future directions", 27th Feb 2014, LSHTM, Tavistock place,
The talk looks at the different kinds of model, in more detail: equation-based, networks, agent-based simulation, and microsimulation. The various trade-offs: advantages and disadvantages of each. I then highlight the ability of gent-based models to (1) stage abstraction into more gentle steps that preserve reference and (2) integrate a variety of different kinds of evidence or results. Some ways that microsimulation and agent-based modelling are outlined. However it is suggested that the way forward is via 'packages' or 'chains' of highly related models rather than multi-purpose single models.
Slides available at: http://www.slideshare.net/BruceEdmonds/be-integmicrosimdis