24 Oct 2011

Special Issue of "Simulation" in Jan 2012 on ABS of Complex Social Systems

There will be a Special Issue of the Journal Simulation in Jan 2012 on the topic:

Agent-Based Simulation of Complex Social Systems

Edited by
Adolfo López-Paredes

Franziska Klügl

Bruce Edmonds

 The Papers will be:
  • Heppenstall, Implementing Comprehensive Offender Behaviour in a Realistic Agent-Based Model of Burglary
  • Troitzsch, Simulating Communication and Interpretation as Means of Interaction in Human Social Systems
  • Son, Simulation-Based Workforce Assignment Considering Position in a Social Network
  • Giardini, Gossip for Social Control in Natural and Artificial Societies
  • Zhou, On Fidelity and Model Selection for Discrete Event Simulation
  • Topcuoglu, A New 3-D Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Simulation Environment for Connected Coverage Problems
  • Ma, Evaluation of integrated application of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technologies using stochastic incident generation and resolution modeling

21 Oct 2011

An interesting paper...

...see:  http://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/

...but do read down to the very end!  ;-)

13 Oct 2011

Paper published: Disaggregating quality judgements

Edmonds, B. (2011) Disaggregating quality judgements. Mind & Society 10(2):169-180.  (http://www.springerlink.com/content/67500t946828u1n2) (Original discussion paper: http://cfpm.org/cpmrep204.html)


The notion of quality is analysed for its functional roots as a social heuristic for reusing others’ quality judgements and hence aiding choice. This is applied to the context of academic publishing, where the costs of publishing have greatly decreased, but the problem of finding the papers one wants has become harder. This paper suggests that instead of relying on generic quality judgements, such as those delivered by journal reviewers, that the maximum amount of judgemental information be preserved and then made available to potential readers to help them find papers that meet their particular needs. The suggestion is that: multidimensional quality data be captured on review of papers, this information is stored on a database, and then used to filter papers according to the criteria set by the searcher—personalising the quality filter. In other words the quality judgements and subsequent use are maintained in a disaggregated form, maintaining the maximum informational context of the judgements for future use. The advantages, disadvantages, challenges and possible variations of this proposal are discussed.